Project Details
This project was for Outline Planning for 53 new homes. This scheme comprised the following key features:
- Creates a sense of arrival and focal point, using the retained central trees with an associated area of green open space, including a LEAP, that will be visible and easily accessible for the new homes and existing neighbours.
This will provide informal surveillance and create a safe and secure environment.
Retain a nature reserve area that will provide a haven for wildlife, including the Great Crested Newts as well as an area to attenuate the surface water drainage for the site that is proposed to be directed down swales that sit beside the new roads.
Proposed new access and footpath links to the local facilities and public transport.
Provide a North South grain to the site that allows for ideally orientated East West facing houses, follows the North South historic grain of the land as well as allowing views up to St Andrew’s Church and views and routes down to the adjacent woods, nature reserve and recreation ground.
Will provide generous gardens and play areas that will gently terrace down, following the site’s existing levels. These generous gardens, together with well-spaced new houses will respect the views, light and amenity of the existing neighbouring houses.
Will have carefully considered new soft and hard landscaping that enhances and complements the site and its context. Including the enhancement of the North Eastern and Eastern site boundaries.